sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016


País: Ucrania
Género: Melodic Black Metal
Sello: Another Side Records
Links: Bandcamp


Жажда забвения (2013)

1. Перо - кинжал (1:40)
2. Ищу огней (6:20)
3. Заклинание (5:54)
4. Частина тебе (6:42)
5. Думи (Коллапс Cover) (5:05)
6. Жажда забвения (12:00)



...Sancta Simplicitas... (2016)

1. Wandering… Searching… (1:28)
2. The Lot of Emptiness (4:46)
3. The Word (5:42)
4. God's Place is on the Cross (2:22)
5. Sick Earth (5:53)
6. The Dark Pit of Absurdity (6:09)
7. The Song of the Leper (9:11)
8. Lunar Onlooker (4:24)
9. The Whirl Ends Where it Began(07:21)
10. Black Tears (Edge Of Sanity Cover) (3:17)


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