sábado, 10 de marzo de 2018


País: Reino Unido
Género: Atmospheric Black Metal
Links: FacebookBandcamp


Aklash (2013)

1. Wander Beyond the Celestial Plains (8:45)
2. Solstice (10:00)
3. Disillusion (5:06)
4. Lord of Dominion (10:09)



Where the Ocean Meets the Sky (2018)

1. Cascading Darkness (8:00)
2. All Noble Deeds Are Touched with Melancholy (8:51)
3. Where the Ocean Meets the Sky, pt I Elation (10:37)
4. Where the Ocean Meets the Sky, pt II Transcend (3:17)
5. The Scrying Bowl (2:17)
6. Vigil (13:09)
7. Where the Ocean Meets the Sky, pt III Horizons (15:08)


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