sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

Vobiscum Inferni

País: Brasil
Género: Black Metal
Links: FacebookYoutube


Gloria Sathanas Rex Infernus (Demo, 2006)

1. Infernisms (intro) (1:55)
2. The Order Is on Chaos (5:17)
3. Ten Thousand Demons Legions (4:45)
4. Blasphemies Under High Infinity Thrones (5:50)



The Temple (Demo, 2006)

1. The Infernal Host (6:20)
2. The Temple (7:15)
3. Gloria Sathanas Rex Infernus (4:43)
4. The Satanic March of the Horned King (5:27)
5. Into the Black Witche's Eyes (4:49)
6. A Infernal Sign Under the Horned Crown (4:27)



Ordo Sinistrari et Cultus Pentaculum Sanguine (2008)

1. Intro - An Ancient Battle to the Domain of Darkness (0:43)
2. Order Is on Chaos (5:18)
3. The Infernal Host (6:17)
4. The Temple (7:12)
5. Gloria Sathanas Rex Infernus (4:40)
6. Satanic March of the Horned King (5:22)
7. A Infernal Sign Under the Horned Crown (4:23)
8. Blasphemies Under High Infinite Thrones (5:24)



For the Great of His Kingdom of Fire and Blood (2013)

1. Intro (1:52)
2. Vobiscum Inferni (7:27)
3. Discipline of the Black Arts (5:10)
4. Blessed with the Stench of Darkness (5:38)
5. Gloria Victoriam Diaboli (7:12)
6. For the Greatness of His Kingdom of Fire and Blood (7:01)
7. Perversum Necropedophilia Aeternum (6:41)
8. Outro (0:31)


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