sábado, 16 de enero de 2016


País: Australia
Género: Black Metal
Links: Youtube


...by the Force of Sacred Magic Rites... (Demo, 1994)

1. Into the Lightless Realm (1:17)
2. Commota Est et Contremuit Terra (2:36)
3. Appearance of the Spirit (0:16)
4. Prince of the Land of Tears (2:44)
5. I Summon Thee (1:49)
6. Opening of the Seventh Gate (0:55)



Symphony Satanikka (2002)

1. Infernal Necromancy (5:48)
2. Blood of Angels (4:24)
3. War in the Sky (10:31)
4. Ritual Infanticide (3:34)
5. Our Father Who Art in Hell (10:53)
6. Killing in the Name of... (3:58)
7. Destruction of the New Heaven (8:00)
8. Crush the Holy Priest (5:37)
9. I Summon Thee (3:22)


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