viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

Division Black Noise

País: Estados Unidos
Género: Raw Black Metal
Sello: Independiente
Links: Facebook | Bandcamp


Exiled by the Light (EP, 2014)

1. Forest Light (4:35)
2. I'm in a Coffin (2:40)
3. Satanic War Machine (4:02)
4. The Wall (7:14)
5. Exiled by the Light (5:13)
6. Summoning of the Horned God (6:39)
7. Armageddon (4:34)



Division Black Noise & Kav (Split, 2015)

Division Black Noise:
1. The Calling (3:44)
2. Aeons Of The Light Bearer (5:00)
3. Der Beschützer (3:29)
4. The White Throne Demolished (2:39)

1. Where the Tongues of Dogs Cannot Reach (4:12)
2. Her Heart Pierced by Seven Swords (2:31)
3. Three Flames of the Lantern (2:27)


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