miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020


País: Italia
Género: Black Metal
Links: FacebookYoutube


Rudra Bhakti (EP, 2016)

1. Suryanamaskara (Entering The Gate Of The Raging Sun) (4:40)
2. Fire Breating (Urdva Kundali Arise) (4:22)
3. Reveal The Unlight (Sudden Awareness) (2:39)
4. Collapse Of Maya (Transfiguration Of The Warrior) (12:45)



Trimurti (2020)

1. The Awakening of the Sleeping Serpent
2. Chanting the Overture of the Gate to Para
3. Bharitakara
4. Mystical Solar Eruption
5. Om Tridevaya Namah
6. Trascending the Flesh
7. Sharpening the Weapons of Inner Revolution
8. Lotus Awareness
9. Tantric Supremacy


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