jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020


País: Alemania
Género: Black/Thrash Metal
Links: FacebookBandcamp


The Trilogy (Compilation, 2016)

1. Intro (Opening Vault) / Unchained from the Crypt
2. Banshee Calling
3. Witchryder
4. Eurynomos (Beast of Hades)
5. Invisible Rays
6. Eye of the Pantheon
7. Fierce Alliance
8. Spell of Necromancy
9. Ferropolis (City of Iron) / Closing Vault
10. Gone Down in Flames



From the Valleys of Hades (2020)

1. Titan God
2. Heraklion Axes
3. Bat Flight
4. Into the Lion's Den
5. Pantokrator
6. Coal, Sulphur, Saltpeter
7. Hypogeums Gate
8. Nighthunter
9. Druid Circle
10. From The Valleys Of Hades


2 comentarios:

  1. Hi
    Great Blog! It's always fun or a big surprise to find new and old music/bands. So stay on your path bring us more good music.
    By the way, any chance for DEATH RACER from Austria (with members of KRINGA & HAGIZZA). It's more the punkish speed metal side of black metal but it's definetly worth to check it out.
    Cheers'n'beers from Germoney
